In this new documentary series, Mathieu Cyr discovers various countries through the eyes of their skateboard community. He meets the skateboarders who have shaped the world scene and visits new places that mark the culture of skateboarding. In Barcelona, Jerusalem, Casablanca, Havana, Warsaw and Montreal, the stand-up comic skateboarder travels through alleys and major thoroughfares taking an interest in alternative visions of skateboarding, but also in the arts, history and architecture. Produced by L’Équipage and Quiet Motion, the 13 x 52 minutes episodes will be added to the TV5 website as the TV broadcast unfolds.
While skateboarding was once considered a symbol of counter-culture, the discipline makes its debut at the Tokyo Olympics in 2020. Skateboarders have long been shaping the urban planning of cities and using skateboarding as a tool to reach out to young people. They form a brotherhood that transcends traditional cultural barriers. Musicians, athletes, artists, urban planners, feminists, the world of skateboarding brings together heterogeneous communities of all ages that understand each other, follow each other and welcome each other with open arms.
By looking at how the skateboard has taken root in a country, it is easy to illustrate the social and political issues that are far more difficult to identify. From public squares to no-go areas, from abandoned places to contemporary skateparks, Mathieu Cyr is skateboarding the world.
COUNTRIES VISITED: Japan, France, Poland, Germany, Canada (Montreal), Spain, Israel, United States East Coast, Morocco, United States West Coast, Brazil, Cuba and Mexico.
We thank for their collaboration, all the skateboarders who accepted to share their passion! Also a special thanks to Ian Comishin and Jon Caften without whom this project would not exist.
11340069 Canada Inc.
Crédits d’impôt fédéral et provincial
Idée originale Julie Lapointe
Scénaristes Joseph Bergeron, Myriam Berthelet, Julie Blackburn, Pascal Brouard, Catherine Coutu, Mathieu Fontaine, Mathieu Fournier, Frédéric Gieling
Réalisateurs Mathieu Fontaine, Myriam Berthelet, Pascal Brouard, Frédéric Gieling, Jean-Pascal Morneau
Animateur Mathieu Cyr
Consultants au développement Mathieu Fontaine, Mathieu Fournier
Productrices déléguées Karine Bédard, Marie-Justine Fournier
Directrice de production Luce Skelling-Parent
Coordonnatrice de production Katherine Vaillancourt
Coordonnatrices de postproduction Noémie Beaulac, Mireille Santerre
Recherchistes Joseph Bergeron, Catherine Coutu, Mathieu Fournier, Nancy Marcotte, Alice Mirebeau
Directeurs de la photographie Mathieu Couture & Maxime Thibeault
Montage hors ligne Cyril Lacouture, Mathieu Fontaine, Maxime-Claude L’Écuyer
Montage en ligne Samuel Veillet
Assistants-monteurs Sébastien Benoit, Thierry Dubuc, Emmanuel Paul
Habillage Olivier Morin
Postproduction sonore Studio Bulldog
Mixage sonore Mathieu Lacourse
Montage sonore Jean-Philippe Côté, Jason Létourneau, Louis-Étienne Payer
Sous-titrage pour malentendants Épilogue Services Techniques Inc.
Surimpression vocale Rose-Maïté Erkoreka & Kevin Houle
VP Finances Natasha Melillo
Chefs comptables Karine Marineau & Chantale Dostie
Technicienne comptable Siham Boutaleb
Adjointe administrative Ginette Rousseau
Conseillers juridique Nathalie Daigneault & Hugo Hamelin
Assurances Globalex
Productrice Isabelle Fortier
Producteurs exécutifs Jacques Bilodeau & Julie Lapointe
Pour TV5
Chef de la production originale Guy Boutin
Coordonnatrice principale aux contenus Joannie Rollin
Directeur des contenus Jérôme Hellio
Skate le monde
© Tous droits réservés, 11340069 Canada Inc., 2020
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